10.02.2020Tsipe went to a Conserve Plants COST meeting in PragueTsipe participated in a Conserve Plants COST meeting near Prague in the Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of…
03.02.2020Media coverage in JanuaryIn the first half of January Aveliina gave an interview to Saturday edition of Postimees - Arter (in Estonian). She…
28.01.2020The first G-BiKE COST action Policy Brief was releasedThe first Policy Brief of the COST action G-BiKE, where Tsipe and Sabrina from our workgroup are participating, was released.…
24.01.2020A report about the sustainability of management schemes of Estonian semi-natural grasslands was finishedTsipe and Liis contributed to the preparation of a thorough report about the sustainability of management schemes of Estonian semi-natural…
22.01.2020Aveliina talked about preserving biodiversity on agricultural land biodiversity dayOn January 21 agricultural biodiversity day was organized by the Ministry of Rural Affairs and the Agricultural Research Center where…
20.01.2020Elisabeth gave a presentation in the doctoral conferenceThe annual doctoral conference of Botany and Zoology department took place on 17th of January in Tartu. Our PhD student…
07.01.2020Call for postdoctoral researchersOur workgroup is open to host new postdoctoral researchers, whose research is related to conservation and restoration of different ecosystems…
07.01.2020New paper out!We are happy to be part of a huge collaborative effort of compiling the world's most comprehensive and largest database…
02.01.2020Media coverage in DecemberDecember was quite a busy month for our workgroup. It started with the 100th anniversary of our national university where…