Mapping and assessment of Estonian ecosystems and related ecosystem services

Duration: 2018-2020 July

During the project, the most suitable methodology for assessing the status of Estonian forests, marshes, grasslands and agricultural ecosystems, and for fixing the baseline values ​​of selected ecosystem services will be developed. The aim is to identify the most important ecosystem services offered by the selected ecosystems and to associate these with the state of ecosystems. As a result of the work, assessments of the state of the Estonian ecosystems and related ecosystem services will be made, which will significantly improve our ability to take into account the great importance of natural communities in maintaining our living environment. The project will be carried out in cooperation with the University of Tartu and the Estonian University of Life Sciences.

Project participants: Aveliina Helm, Elisabeth Prangel

Funding: Environment Agency, project ELME „Elurikkuse sotsiaal-majanduslikult ja kliimamuutustega seostatud keskkonnaseisundi hindamiseks, prognoosiks ja andmete kättesaadavuse tagamiseks vajalikud töövahendid”

The presentations of the final seminar of the project (in Estonian)
