
Tsipe Aavik

Kaasprofessor, töörühma juht

+372 516 1187

Minu uurimistöö keskmes on kasvukohtade killustumise mõju elurikkusele selle erinevates vormides geneetilisest liigilise mitmekesisuseni ning sellega seotud looduse hüved. Minu senised teadusuuringud võib temaatiliselt jagada kolmeks.

Põllumajandusmaastike elurikkus ja ökosüsteemi teenused. Varasemas uurimistöös keskendusin põllumajandusmaastikes leiduvate väikesepinnaliste looduslike ja pool-looduslike maastikuelementide taimestiku mitmekesisuse uurimisele. Eeskätt huvitab mind see, kuidas on nende maastikuelementide taimestiku liigirikkust ja koosseisu mõjutanud maakasutuse intensiivistumine ning maastiku struktuur. Koos Euroopa kolleegidega oleme uurinud ka seda, kuidas mõjutavad samad tegurid elurikkusega seotud looduse hüvesid, nt. biotõrjet.

Taimede levik muutuvates maastikes. Järgmise sammuna asusin geneetiliste meetodite abil uurima seda, kuidas mõjutavad erinevad maastikuelemendid killustunud taimepopulatsioonide vahelist seemnete ja tolmuterade leviku kaudu toimuvat geenivoolu. Muuhulgas huvitab mind see, kuidas mõjutab kasvukohtade taastamine looduslike ja taastatud taimepopulatsioonide vahelist geenivoolu, geneetilist mitmekesisust ning sellest sõltuvat kohasust.

Killustunud taimepopulatsioonide kohastumisvõime. Geneetiliste meetodite märkimisväärse arenguga seoses olen huviorbiiti nihutamas killustunud taimepopulatsioonide adaptiivse geneetilise mitmekesisuse uurimisele. Eesti loopealsete näitel soovime hinnata, kas loopealsete kinnikasvamine ning pindala kahanemine on kaasa toonud ka muutusi taimepopulatsioonide adaptiivses geneetilises varieeruvuses ning kuidas võiks see protsess omakorda mõjutada populatsioonide võimet kohastuda muutuvate keskkonnatingimustega.

  • Van Geel, M., Aavik, T., Ceulemans, T., Träger, S., Mergeay, J., Peeters, G., ... & Honnay, O. (2021). The role of genetic diversity and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity in population recovery of the semi-natural grassland plant species Succisa pratensis. BMC Ecology and Evolution, 21(1), 1-9.
  • Aavik, T., Träger, S., Zobel, M., Honnay, O., Van Geel, M., Bueno, C. G., & Koorem, K. (2021). The joint effect of host plant genetic diversity and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities on restoration success. Functional Ecology.
  • Reinula, I., Träger, S., Hernández-Agramonte, I. M., Helm, A., Aavik, T. (2021). Landscape genetic analysis suggests stronger effects of past than current landscape structure on genetic patterns of Primula veris. Diversity and Distributions, xx.
  • Fišer, Ž., Aronne, G., Aavik, T., Akin, M., Alizoti, P., Aravanopoulos, F., ... Helm, A., ... & Zippel, E. (2021). ConservePlants: An integrated approach to conservation of threatened plants for the 21st Century. Research Ideas and Outcomes, 7, e62810.
  • Aavik, T., Carmona, C.P., Träger, S., Kaldra, M., Reinula, I., Conti, E., Keller, B., Helm, A., Hiiesalu, I., Hool, K., Kaisel, M. et al. (2020). Landscape context and plant population size affect morph frequencies in heterostylous Primula veris‐results of a nationwide citizen‐science campaign. Journal of Ecology, 108(6): 2169-2183.
  • Carmona, C.P., Guerrero, I., Peco, B., Morales, M.B., Oñate, J.J., Pärt, T., Tscharntke, T., Liira, J., Aavik, T., Emmerson, M., Berendse, F., (2020). Agriculture intensification reduces plant taxonomic and functional diversity across European arable systems. Functional Ecology, 34(7): 1448-1460.
  • Aavik, T., Thetloff, M., Träger, S., Hernández-Agramonte, I. M., Reinula, I., & Pärtel, M. (2019). Delayed and immediate effects of habitat loss on the genetic diversity of the grassland plant Trifolium montanumBiodiversity and Conservation, 1-21.
  • Plue, J., Aavik, T., Cousins, S. A. O. (2019) Grazing networks promote plant functional connectivity among isolated grassland communities. Diversity and Distributions, 25: 102-115.
  • Aavik, T., Helm, A. (2018). Restoration of plant species and genetic diversity depends on landscape-scale dispersal. Restoration Ecology, 26:S92-S102.
  • Aavik, T., Talve, T., Thetloff, M., Uuemaa, E., Oja, T. (2017). Genetic consequences of landscape change for rare endemic plants – a case study of Rhinanthus osiliensis. Biological Conservation, 210: 125-135.
  • Kook, E., Pihu, S., Reier, Ü., Thetloff, M., Aavik, T., Helm, A. (2016). Do landscape dissimilarity and environmental factors affect genetic and phenotypic variability in Myosotis laxa s. lato (Boraginaceae)? Annales Botanici Fennici, 53:56−66.
  • Emmerson, M., Morales, M. B., Oñate, J. J., Batáry, P., Berendse, F., Liira, J., Aavik, T., Guerrero, I., Bommarco, R., Eggers, S., Pärt, T., Tscharntke, T., Weisser, W., Clement, L., Bengtsson, J. (2016). How agricultural intensification affects biodiversity and ecosystem services. Advances in Ecological Research, 55: 43−97.
  • Aavik, T., Holderegger, R. & Bolliger, J. (2014). The structural and functional connectivity of the grassland plant Lychnis flos-cuculi. Heredity, 112: 471 - 478.
  • Aavik, T., Bosshard, D., Edwards, P.J., Holderegger, R. & Billeter, R. (2014). Fitness in naturally occurring and restored populations of a grassland plant Lychnis flos-cuculi in a Swiss agricultural landscape. Restoration Ecology, 22: 98 - 10.
  • Aavik, T., Bosshard, D., Edwards, P., Holderegger, R., Billeter, R. (2014). Effets de mélanges de semences sur la diversité génétique et la performance. Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 5: 20 - 27.
  • Aavik, T., Bosshard, D., Edwards, P., Holderegger, R., Billeter, R. (2014). Genetische Vielfalt in Wildpflanzen-Samenmischungen. Agrarforschung Schweiz, 5: 20 - 27.
  • Aavik, T., Holderegger, R., Edwards, P.J., Billeter, R. (2013). Patterns of contemporary gene flow suggest low functional connectivity of grasslands in a fragmented agricultural landscape. Journal of Applied Ecology, 50: 395 - 403.
  • Guerrero, I., Morales, M.L.B., Oñate, J.J., Geiger, F., Berendse, F., Snoo, G. de, Eggers, S., Pärt, T., Bengtsson, J., Clement, L.W., Weisser, W.W., Olszewski, A., Ceryngier, P., Hawro, V., Liira, J., Aavik, T., Fischer, C., Thies, C., Tscharntke, T. (2012). Response of ground-nesting farmland birds to agricultural intensification across Europe: landscape and field level management factors. Biological Conservation, 152: 74 - 80.
  • Aavik, T., Edwards, J.P., Holderegger, R., Graf, R., Billeter, R. (2012). Genetic consequences of using seed mixtures in restoration: a case study of a wetland plant Lychnis flos-cuculi. Biological Conservation, 145: 195 - 204.
  • Guerrero, I., Morales, M., Onante, J.J., Aavik, T., Bengtsson, J., Berendse, F., Clement, L., Dennis, C., Eggers, S., Emmerson, M., Fischer, C., Flohre, A., Geiger, F., Hawro, V., Inchausti, P., Kalamees, A., Kinks, R., Liira, J., Melendez, L., Pärt, T., Thies, C., Tscharntke, T., Olszewski, A., Weisser, W. (2011). Taxonomic and functional diversity of farmland bird communities across Europe: effects of biogeography and agricultural intensification. Biodiversity and Conservation, 20: 3663 - 3681.
  • Flohre, A., Fischer, C., Aavik, T., Bengtsson, J., Berendse, F., Bommarco, R., Ceryngier, P., Clement, L.W., Dennis, C., Eggers, S., Emmerson, M., Geiger, F., Guerrero, I., Hawro, V., Inchausti, P., Liira, J., Morales, M.B., Oñate, J.J., Pärt, T., Weisser, W.W., Winqvist, C., Thies, C., Tscharntke, T. (2011). Agricultural intensification and biodiversity partitioning in European landscapes comparing plants, carabids, and birds. Ecological Applications, 21: 1772 - 1781.
  • Winqvist, C., Bengtsson, J., Aavik, T., Berendse, F., Clement, L. W., Eggers, S., Fischer, C., Flohre, A., Geiger, F., Liira, J., Pärt, T., Thies, C., Tscharntke, T., Weisser, W. W., Bommarco, R. (2011). Mixed effects of organic farming and landscape complexity on farmland biodiversity and biological control potential across Europe. Journal of Applied Ecology, 48: 570 - 579.
  • Geiger, F., Bengtsson, J., Berendse, F., Weisser, Wolfgang W., Emmerson, M., Morales, M.B., Ceryngier, P., Liira, J., Tscharntke, T. Winqvist, C., Eggers, S., Bommarco, R., Pärt, T., Bretagnolle, V., Plantegenest, M., Clement, L.W., Dennis, C., Palmer, C., Onate, J.J., Guerrero, I., Hawro, V., Aavik, T., Thies, C., Flohre, A., Hänke, S., Fischer, C., Goedhart, P.W., Inchausti, P. (2010). Persistent negative effects of pesticides on biodiversity and biological control potential on European farmland. Basic and Applied Ecology, 11: 97 - 105.
  • Aavik, T., Liira, J. (2010). Quantifying the effect of organic farming, field boundary type and landscape structure on the vegetation of field boundaries. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 135: 178 - 186.
  • Aavik, T., Püssa, K., Roosaluste, E., Moora, M. (2009). Vegetation change in boreonemoral forest during succession – trends in species composition, richness and differentiation diversity. Annales Botanici Fennici, 46: 326-335.
  • Aavik, T., Liira, J. (2009). Agrotolerant and high nature-value species - plant biodiversity indicator groups in agroecosystems. Ecological Indicators, 9: 892-901.
  • Liira, J., Schmidt, T., Aavik, T., Arens, P., Augenstein, I., Bailey, D., Billeter, R., Bukacek, R., Burel, F., De Blust, G., De Cock, R., Dirksen, J., Edwards, P. J., Hamersky, R., Herzog, F., Klotz, S., Kühn, I., Le Coeur, D., Miklova, P., Roubalova, M., Schweiger, O., Smulders, M. J. M., van Wingerden,W. K. R. E., Bugter, R., Zobel, M. (2008). Plant functional group composition and large-scale species richness in the agricultural landscapes of Europe. Journal of Vegetation Science, 19: 3-14.
  • Aavik, T., Augenstein, I., Bailey, D., Herzog, F., Zobel, M., Liira, J. (2008). What is the role of local landscape structure in the vegetation composition of field boundaries? Applied Vegetation Science, 11: 375-386.
  • Aavik, T., Jõgar, Ü., Liira, J., Tulva, I., Zobel, M. (2008). Plant diversity in a calcareous wooded meadow - The significance of management continuity. Journal of Vegetation Science, 19: 475-484.
  • Liira, J., Aavik, T., Parrest, O., Zobel, M. (2008). Agricultural sector, rural environment and biodiversity in the central and eastern European EU member states. Acta Geographica Debrecina Landscape and Environment Series, 2: 46-64.