Vete-Mari Kuningas: the role of the supervisor in the completion of the academic work is invaluable

In the competition for the best research of students organised by the Estonian Research Council, Vete-Mari Kuningas received the III prize in the field of natural sciences.

In a paper entitled "The impact of landscape structure on genetic diversity and gene flow of the cowslips (Primula veris) population," Vete-Mari Kuningas examined the impact of fragmentation of growth sites on the genetic diversity of the cowslips populations and how different landscape elements affect gene flow between the cowslips populations. The award was supervised by Tsipe Aavik, head of the working group and Associate Professor, and Iris Reinula, PhD student.

"I was really pleased to learn that my work was valued as a reward. At the moment, it is premature to say what role the prize may play in the future, but it is certainly a great recognition that encourages continuing education and confirms that the topics I deal with are important," says Vete-Mari.

Vete-Mari, who continues his Master's studies in the Department of Geography today, does not hold any praise for Tsipe Aavik and Iris Reinula as well. "Tsipe and Iris have always been for me, both when I wrote my thesis and now later. They're very supportive! I'm glad I was able to do my graduation under their supervision. Thank you very much!"

You can read about the competition for student works organised by the Estonian Research Council here (in Estonian).

More information:

Vete-Mari Kuningas

University of Tartu Landscape Biodiversity Group

J. Liivi 2, 50409, Tartu, ESTONIA

Aveliina Helm / +372 5553 8679 /
Tsipe Aavik / +372 516 1187 /