Aveliina Helm
Professor, group leader
+372 5553 8679
My research focuses on impact of landscapes structure on biodiversity and provision of ecosystem services, on temporal delays in community dynamics in response to global changes, and on conservation and restoration of biodiversity and related ecosystem services. My special attention belongs to semi-natural grasslands, their diversity, functioning and conservation. I actively participate in the initiation and development of habitat restoration and conservation projects in Estonia, provide scientific counseling to Estonian Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Rural Affairs and put lot of effort into communication of science- and conservation-related topics to wider audiences in Estonia and abroad. I also run University of Tartu start-up company Nordic Botanical Ltd. that focuses on applying ecological knowledge in development of nature-friendly and sustainable landscapes and cities.
- LIFE IP project “ForEst&Farmland”
- Mapping and assessment of Estonian ecosystems and related ecosystem services
- Restoration of Estonian alvar grasslands
- Effect of land-use change on biodiversity on the provision of ecosystem services
- Centre of Excellence EcolChange: Ecology of Global Change: Natural and Managed Ecosystems
- Landscape-scale biodiversity restoration and time-lags in ecosystem functions (RESTFUNC)
- Conservation of natural biodiversity in agricultural land
- CELSA project: Linking genetic diversity and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities of host plant
- Introducing adaptive community based biodiversity management in urban areas for improved connectivity and ecosystem health (urbanLIFEcircles)