We participated in the RMK Nature Conservation Conference in Narva

Our workgroup participated in the RMK Nature Conservation Conference which took place on the 3rd-4th November in Narva. Aveliina presented the opening plenary presentation of the conference on the challenges and opportunities of ecological restoration. On the second day, Iris was able to give two presentations: on the effect of landscape changes on the genetic diversity of the Primula veris, and with a presentation prepared by Tsipe on recreational science using the example of the Primula veris. Triin, Elvi, Kristiina and Elisabeth presented poster presentations introducing the various projects of our workgroup. On the second day of the conference, under Aveliina's leadership, we organized the workshop "Where and what trees to plant in Estonia?" The long view”. The workshop proved very popular and the discussions were lively. The conference provided a good opportunity for communication with other scientists, environmental officials, representatives of non-governmental organizations and land managers.


Reinula, I. (2022) Maastikumuutuste mõju hariliku nurmenuku geneetilisele mitmekesisusele. Presentation at RMK Nature Conservation Conference. 04.11.2022, Narva, Estonia.

Aavik, T., Reinula, I. (2022) Koos harrastusteadlastega nurmenukkude luurel: tulemused, kogemused ja õppetunnid. Presentation at RMK Nature Conservation Conference. 04.11.2022, Narva, Estonia.

Jürisoo, K. (2022) LIFE-IP projekt "Loodusrikas Eesti". Poster presentation at RMK Nature Conservation Conference. 04.11.2022, Narva, Estonia.

Prangel, E. (2022) Giving LIFE to grasslands - restoring biodiversity and ecosystem services. Poster presentation at RMK Nature Conservation Conference. 04.11.2022, Narva, Estonia.

Liiv, E. (2022) EcoGrid – üle-eestiline vaatlusalade võrk ökosüsteemide seisundi ja hüvede hindamiseks. Poster presentation at RMK Nature Conservation Conference. 04.11.2022, Narva, Estonia.

Reitalu, T. (2022) Organismirühmade vahelised seosed taastatud rohumaadel - BiodivERsA projekti InterRest tutvustus. Poster presentation at RMK Nature Conservation Conference. 04.11.2022, Narva, Estonia.

Helm, A. (2022) Ökoloogilise taastamise kümnend ja looduse taastumise sajand: 4 väljakutset ja 5 võimalust. Plenary presentation at RMK Nature Conservation Conference. 04.11.2022, Narva, Estonia.

University of Tartu Landscape Biodiversity Group

J. Liivi 2, 50409, Tartu, ESTONIA

Aveliina Helm / +372 5553 8679 / aveliina.helm@ut.ee
Tsipe Aavik / +372 516 1187 / tsipe.aavik@ut.ee