This year, the caretakers of Estonia’s heritage meadows, which are among our oldest ecosystems and home to half of Estonia’s plant species and most species from many other groups of organisms, are being recognized for the third time. For the first time, the Estonian Ministry of Climate, together with the Environmental Board, will select the best manager of heritage meadows through a public vote.
This year’s nominees are Kalmer Visnapuu (Lääne-Virumaa), Ulvi Koov with her sons (Lahemaa), Veiko Ülejõe (Raplamaa), Linda and Koit Tikk (Hiiumaa), and Vallo and Krista Vilta (Läänemaa). Their work helps to preserve the richest ecosystems of Estonia’s nature.
The best candidates for heritage meadow caretakers can be viewed and voted for in Maaleht until January 23rd.
The recognition of heritage meadow caretakers is one of the activities of the LIFE IP project “Nature-rich Estonia.”
Photo: Ingmar Muusikus, Tiit Koha.