In the first week of September, the conference of the Society of Ecological Restoration Europe (SERE) took place, which this time took us to sunny Alicante in Spain. Aveliina Helm gave two presentations at the conference on the topics "Planning for landscape-scale restoration: which tools do we need?" and "LIFE success stories on ecological restoration - LIFE to Alvars.". Triin Reitalu gave a presentation on "Recovery of plant-bumblebee interactions in restored semi-natural grasslands.". Elisabeth Prangel and Elvi Liiv, doctoral students of the working group, participated in the conference with poster presentations. Elvi's poster titled "EcoGrid - countrywide sampling framework to assess soil properties and ecological condition of ecosystems" presented the project structure and preliminary results. Elisabeth's poster entitled "Giving LIFE to grasslands - restoring biodiversity and ecosystem services" presented the changes in restored alvars ecosystem services in the Life to Alvars project plots, which won one of the three best poster awards at the conference.