Tsipe with Sabrina and Iris and in collaboration with Marge Thetloff, Ignacio M. Hernández-Agramonte and Meelis Pärtel published an article about the effects of habitat area loss on the genetic diversity of the grassland plant Trifolium montanum. They found that populations of T. montanum have gone through a genetic bottleneck which means that some part of the genetic diverssity of T. montanum has meen lost due to decrease in population size. In the paper they concluded that regardless of major habitat loss, some measures of genetic diversity of perennial plant species may not be at equilibrium with landscape change. This in turn means that when planning nature conservation activities, historic landscape context should be taken into account.
Aavik, T., Thetloff, M., Träger, S., Hernández-Agramonte, I.M., Reinula, I. & Pärtel, M., (2019) Delayed and immediate effects of habitat loss on the genetic diversity of the grassland plant Trifolium montanum. doi: 10.1007/s10531-019-01822-8