The Landscape Biodiversity Workgroup welcomed colleagues from Malta

Two Maltese researchers, supported by the research exchange program Erasmus+, visited the Landscape Biodiversity Workgroup and participated in fieldwork in the centre of Tartu, as well as in the Ropka-Ihaste Nature Reserve, Alam-Pedja Nature Reserve, and Saaremaa for two weeks. The guests appreciated both the knowledge gained from the scientific methodology used in the restoration projects carried out in Estonia and the immediate communication between the different project parties.   

In the beginning of July, the Landscape Biodiversity Workgroup hosted colleagues Jean-Pierre Brincat and Eman Calleja from the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology. Participation in the fieldwork of the LIFE projects  

Comprehensive management of forest and farming landscapes to improve the conservation status of Natura 2000 habitats and species (ForEst&FarmLand)“, Restoring and promoting a long term sustainable management of Fennoscandian wooded meadows in Estonia and Latvia (WoodmeadowLIFE)“, and „Introducing adaptive community based biodiversity management in urban areas for improved connectivity and ecosystem health (urbanLIFEcircles)“ offered a practical insight into ecological restoration activities, as well as the opportunity to learn about restoration projects in Malta and the situations encountered there.

The guests identified the starting point as the biggest difference between habitat restoration efforts in Estonia and Malta. In Malta, habitat restoration always entails limiting human activity in places to be restored, whereas in Estonia the restoration in several habitats (for example in wooded meadows and other semi-natural grasslands) involves rather the re-establishment of moderate management.

"As Jean-Pierre and Eman said, it was inspiring for them to see our projects and approaches - especially the methodology, which they give lectures on at their university," said Krista Takkis, a researcher in restoration ecology at the Landscape Biodiversity Workgroup on the Biodiversity of Landscapes, who coordinated Eman's and Jean-Pierre's visit to the University of Tartu. "Jean-Pierre also pointed out that the communication between the different parties is much more cooperative and conflict-free here than in Malta. It was nice to hear that!"

The Maltese colleagues also invited the workgroup for a visit to observe their restoration projects in Malta more closely.

More information:

Krista Takkis

University of Tartu Landscape Biodiversity Group

J. Liivi 2, 50409, Tartu, ESTONIA

Aveliina Helm / +372 5553 8679 /
Tsipe Aavik / +372 516 1187 /