Mari-Liis Viljur
PhD, researcher
My main research interest lies in the relationships between habitats and landscapes and the biodiversity they support. In ongoing projects, we are investigating the effects of land use changes on the resilience of plant-pollinator interactions in agricultural landscapes and the role of semi-natural grassland networks in this context. In the past, I have studied the species composition of bumblebees and butterflies in managed forest landscapes, as well as the role of natural disturbances in shaping forest biodiversity. I am also interested in suitable statistical methods for community analysis including spatial data analysis.
- Pereira, Cássio Cardoso; Novais, Samuel; Barbosa, Milton; Negreiros, Daniel; Gonçalves-Souza, Thiago; Roslin, Tomas; Marquis, Robert; Marino, Nicholas; Novotny, Vojtech; Orivel, Jerome; Sui, Shen; Aires, Gustavo; Antoniazzi, Reuber; Dáttilo, Wesley; Breviglieri, Crasso; Busse, Annika; Gibb, Heloise; Izzo, Thiago; Kadlec, Tomas; Kemp, Victoria ... Viljur, Mari-Liis; Koricheva, Julia; Fernandes, G. Wilson; Romero, Gustavo Q.; Cornelissen, Tatiana (2022). Subtle structures with not‐so‐subtle functions: A data set of arthropod constructs and their host plants. Ecology, 103 (4), e3639. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3639.
- Romero, Gustavo Q.; Gonçalves-Souza, Thiago; Roslin, Tomas; Marquis, Robert J.; Marino, Nicholas A.C.; Novotny, Vojtech; Cornelissen, Tatiana; Orivel, Jerome; Sui, Shen; Aires, Gustavo; Antoniazzi, Reuber; Dáttilo, Wesley; Breviglieri, Crasso P. B.; Busse, Annika; Gibb, Heloise; Izzo, Thiago J.; Kadlec, Tomas; Kemp, Victoria; Kersch-Becker, Monica; Knapp, Michal ...Viljur, Mari-Liis; Koricheva, Julia (2022). Climate variability and aridity modulate the role of leaf shelters for arthropods: A global experiment. Global Change Biology, 28 (11), 3694−3710. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16150.
- Viljur, Mari‐Liis; Abella, Scott R.; Adámek, Martin; Alencar, Janderson Batista Rodrigues; Barber, Nicholas A.; Beudert, Burkhard; Burkle, Laura A.; Cagnolo, Luciano; Campos, Brent R.; Chao, Anne; Chergui, Brahim; Choi, Chang‐Yong; Cleary, Daniel F. R.; Davis, Thomas Seth; Dechnik‐Vázquez, Yanus A.; Downing, William M.; Fuentes‐Ramirez, Andrés; Gandhi, Kamal J. K.; Gehring, Catherine; Georgiev, Kostadin B. ... Thorn, Simon (2022). The effect of natural disturbances on forest biodiversity: an ecological synthesis. Biological Reviews, 97 (5), 1930-1947. DOI: 10.1111/brv.12876.
- Motivans Švara, Elena; Ştefan, Valentin; Sossai, Esther; Feldmann, Reinart; Aguilon, Dianne Joy; Bontsutsnaja, Anna; E‐Vojtkó, Anna; Kilian, Isabel C.; Lang, Piret; Mõtlep, Marilin; Prangel, Elisabeth; Viljur, Mari‐Liis; Knight, Tiffany M.; Neuenkamp, Lena (2021). Effects of different types of low-intensity management on plant-pollinator interactions in Estonian grasslands. Ecology and Evolution, 11 (23), 16909−16926. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.8325.
- Viljur, Mari-Liis; Tiitsaar, Anu; Gimbutas Mark; Kaasik, Ants; Valdma, Daniel; Õunap, Erki; Tammaru, Toomas; Teder, Tiit (2020). Conserving woodland butterflies in managed forests: Both local and landscape factors matter. Forest Ecology and Management, 462, 118002. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118002.
- Viljur, Mari-Liis; Relve, Auli; Gimbutas, Mark; Kaasik, Ants & Teder, Tiit (2019) Dispersal of open-habitat butterflies in managed forest landscapes: are colonisers special? Journal of Insect Conservation, 23, 259-267. DOI: 10.1007/s10841-018-0112-6.
- Viljur, Mari-Liis & Teder, Tiit (2018). Disperse or die: Colonisation of transient open habitats in production forests is only weakly dispersal-limited in butterflies. Biological Conservation, 218, 32-40. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2017.12.006.
- Viljur, Mari-Liis & Teder, Tiit (2016). Butterflies take advantage of contemporary forestry: Clear-cuts as temporary grasslands. Forest Ecology and Management, 376, 118-125. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2016.06.002.