A guide to the plants of Estonian heritage meadows has been published

At the initiative of the landscape bidiversity workgroup of the University of Tartu, the book "Plants of Estonian Heritage Meadows" has been prepared. The guide can be downloaded here (in Estonian).

The guide compiled by Liis Kasari-Toussaint, Marianne Kaldra and Aveliina Helmi contains a selection of protected plants and characteristic meadow species that grow on heritage meadows. A selection of expansive (vigorously proliferating) and species indicative of the effects of culture has been described. The invasive alien species of Estonian nature are also listed in a separate distribution.

"The research paper was completed in the LIFE IP project "Comprehensive management of forest and farming landscapes to improve the conservation status of Natura 2000 habitats and species" one of the objectives of which is to test Estonia's heritage meadows-based support system," says Liis Kasari-Toussaint, Research Fellow in Restoration Ecology.

"The result-based support system is based on an evaluation form which helps to assess the quality and condition of the heritage meadow and for which it is also necessary to know the plants growing on the heritage meadows. The guide will help the caretaker of the area to get to know the plants of the different types of meadows and to assess how rich the meadows are. The better the status and richer the heritage thread, the higher the score and the amount of support."

The guide is also a good help for a plant enthusiast.

More information:

Liis Kasari-Toussaint


University of Tartu Landscape Biodiversity Group

J. Liivi 2, 50409, Tartu, ESTONIA

Aveliina Helm / +372 5553 8679 / aveliina.helm@ut.ee
Tsipe Aavik / +372 516 1187 / tsipe.aavik@ut.ee